In doing some of my end of the year house cleaning, I recently came across a simple poker chip that I had forgotten about.  This chip was a symbolic item given out by our church quite a long time ago that was to remind us about a message we had heard. It was a simple item we could keep with us at all times.  Of course, it had a lot of meaning to me then, but time and the challenges of life allow us to put items like these away and far from our minds.  To be honest, I had long since thrown it in a bowl on my dresser and had totally forgotten about it. That is, until today.

I just love it when God (or my sweet Daddy) sends me messages that are so appropriate and seemingly at exactly the right time and exactly what I need to hear at that very moment. This is one of those days!  You see, I recently shared my 2015 goals with my friends. For those of you who have not read my goals, here they are… Stacie’s 2015 challenge: It is with much anticipation and just plain fear that I share with ya’ll my next big goal! My husband has suggested this goal and I have decided to accept it. In 2015, I will walk and eventually run a mile per month. In January I will give it everything I have got to work up to a mile, in February two miles, March three miles and so on.

My plan is to participate in my first 5K race by March or April and then to work up to a 10k and eventually to attempt a half marathon by the end of 2015. Believe me, this is a HUGE goal for me! For those without physical challenges these goals could be pretty scary, but when it is someone who cannot feel their feet or move their toes and who has extreme muscle weakness in their limbs which makes wearing leg braces required in order to walk long distances or run- it is downright terrifying!

2015-01-03 14.27.24

This poker chip had a great message when I originally received it, but these years later, it has an even more personal meaning for me.  It is kind of like the culmination of an entire year’s work and dedication and will be my anthem for the new year. No Reserve, No Retreat, No Regret!

2014 was the year I reclaimed my life. 2015 will be the year that I push my limits, the year that I see just what I am capable of!  I am no longer trying to get back something I had once before. This year I am going to go do something that I have never done before and never ever thought I could. I will push my mind, my spirit and my body to new limits.  With my 44th birthday fast approaching, I truly feel that life is too short to live a life allowing those little voices in your head to say “I CAN’T”! I have lived the first 44 years that way and I refuse to do it any longer. So what that I am a 44 year old with a disability! Why can’t I complete a half marathon??? After what I have done over the past year, I finally believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to.  From this day forward, I am going to live ALL IN!

After posting my goals on my Facebook profile a week or so ago, I have been very excited to hear from a couple of my longtime friends that they are planning to walk/run with me! My dream would be for a whole team of us to be wearing Standing with Stacie t-shirts and to cross the finish line together! So, for all of you out there that have been going through the motions and living a life that you know is not your best, I challenge you.  What are you going to do in 2015 to change your life for the better?  What is keeping you from being your best self?  Just do it… Go All In!

Should you need help or want to join in on the fitness fun, please let me know!  I am here for each and every one of you, just as you all have been here with me and for me, each and every day of this past year.

Happy 2015 everyone!


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